1.0 Operational ownership
1.1 This website is operated and owned by The Bournemouth Karate Academy (henceforth referred to as the 'Academy' in the remainder of this document).
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2.0 Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright
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4.0 Course and Event Refund policy
4.1 The BKA offer from time to time courses and events for which you can pay in advance to reserve your places.
4.2 With respect to the refund of advance payments in connections with services supplied over the Internt, we adhere to the refund policies required by current UK statute.
5.0 Disclaimers
5.1 Nothing in these terms limits or excludes the Academy´s liability for death or personal injury caused by its proven negligence. Subject to the previous sentence, the Academy shall not be liable for any of the following losses or damage (whether such damage or losses were foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise): (a) injury or death to self; (b) injury or death to third party whether they be a training partner, assailant or bystander; (c) loss of data; (d) loss of revenue or anticipated profits; (e) loss of business; (f) loss of opportunity; (g) loss of goodwill or injury to reputation; (h) losses suffered by third parties; or (i) any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of this website or its contents regardless of the form of action.
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7.1 This website has been written to conform with the latest regulations concerning accessibility of information on the Internet.
7.2 Any one experiencing any difficulty in reading or accessing the information on this website is invited to contact Ralph Elliott-King (Academy Accessibility Officer) by telephone on 01202 474545, or write to him at The Bournemouth Karate Academy, 44 Willow Way, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1LA. We shall do all we reasonably can to assist you to better access the information contained herein.
8.0 General
8.1 If any of these terms are determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country in which these terms are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction in which that term is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from these terms and the remaining terms shall survive and continue to be binding and enforceable.
8.2 The failure or delay of the Academy to exercise or enforce any right in these terms does not waive the Academy´s right to enforce that right.
8.3 These terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales which shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes.
9.0 Taking personal responsibility for your own actions
9.1 To many practitioners of Goju Ryu, it is the pursuit of perfection of executing technique and the enjoyment of the physical exercise involved, that are the motivating factors for their continued intensive training. To an outsider, however, karate will appear to be an aggressive fighting system that arms its practitioners with the means to cause severe injury or even death to an opponent. You should always remember your conduct as a student of Goju Ryu karate will nearly always be judged by outsiders.
9.2 Any one who practises the techniques we demonstrate on this website in either training or in real fight situation, must assume sole responsibility for the consequences of their actions if they use them.
9.3 At a personal level, you are almost certain to suffer bruises, strains, cuts and possibly broken bones if you practise Goju Ryu. Individuals must exercise commonsense over choosing not to aggravate existing injuries and making them worse by continuing to train when rest would be more sensible.
9.4 In respect of using martial art skills in a real fight situation, we remind you that the Law is absolutely clear. You can only ever use the minimum amount of reasonable force to defend yourself, and others, against an aggressor. As a competent martial artist, the onus will be very much on you to demonstrate you acted with due restraint. It is too easy to cross the fine line between defending yourself and becoming the aggressor.
9.5 It is not only the immediate consequences of becoming involved in a real fight that shoudl concern you. Even as the innocent victim of an unavoidable and unprovoked assault, you will still probably suffer a surprising amount of inconvenience and personal distress in the aftermath of an attack. Especially if the Police become involved.
9.6 Firstly there is the obvious likelihood that you will sustain injuries or damage to your possessions if you end up in a fight.
10.7 You may well be obliged to spend countless hours in the Police station being interviewed and giving statements.
9.8 If there were no witnesses, then the Police have to decide if you have a case to answer to. Imagine the situation where they have you sitting in the interview room with a few grazed knuckles, and the other party is in hospital undergoing emergency surgery to wire back his broken jaw caused by the single punch you claim you used to defend yourself. At the time and in the heat of the moment, the punch you choose to deliver may have seemed perfectly reasonable, but in the cold light of day, one can hardly blame the Police for airing towards concluding excessive force was used in this scenario.
9.9 Now imagine if the only witnesses happen to be friends of the assailant and they are prepared to lie about what happened. That leaves you between a rock and a hard place. Can it get any worse?
9.10 Yes it certainly can, because people frequently die from single blows to the head. Imagine the consequences to you and your family, if your assailant dies on the operating table! The aftermath of that scenario is a nightmare you certainly don´t want to experience.
9.11 Another possibility is your assailant may be contacted by solicitors who specialise in recovery of damages and loss of earnings to injured parties. You may well be the innocent party, but don´t assume that will mean a court case will not ensue and justice will prevail. Even if you have witnesses to corroborate your version of events, imagine all the worry you and your family will suffer, not to forget the costs involved in defending yourself against a legal action that may take years to resolve.
9.12 Another consequence of being involved in a street fight is you may end up with the Police recommending to the Crown Prosecution Service that you should be prosecuted. The consequences of having a criminal record will haunt you for the rest of your life, certainly spilling over into your professional and personal life.
9.13 People do suffer permanent injuries and too many die every year from senseless street fights. The aftermath is tragic for all parties concerned. So we hope you always remember the best self defence advice you can ever be given. Unless you have to stay to defend someone else, just walk away from potential violence every time. It is just not worth the trouble it will cause you and your family to stay and fight.
9.14 In the event that you have exhausted all the alternatives of avoiding a confrontation, you have no choice but to stand and use your skills to defend yourself. In such a situation and as unfair as it may seem to place it upon you, as a martial artist you have to accept the onus of proof is upon you to demonstrate you did exercise restraint and use the minimum force necessary to neutralise the threat from your assailant(s) to you and the other people you are protecting. No other course of action in Law is acceptable. What constitutes minimum force will depend upon the circumstances of each situation and the level of threat involved.
9.15 Should you have the misfortune to be involved in a fight, always try and get the names and telephone numbers of any witnesses. It is a sad trait of human nature that people just don´t want to get involved, but you will almost certainly need their corroboration of events if the Police become involved.
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